Why we chose to go to Masfjorden for the GEOF337 student cruise

Masfjorden is 24km long, branching out from Fensfjorden. Masfjorden has three sills (a sill is an underwater barrier), which prevent the undisturbed water flow in and out of the fjord. This is why the oxygen levels near the sea floor are particularly low, limiting the marine life as well as decomposition processes. To get new oxygenated water into the basins, dense Atlantic water needs to flow over the sill – this does not happen very often! This week we will study the Masfjorden water masses through a series of measurements.

Map of the bathymetry of Masfjorden and Fensfjorden. The deepest parts are yellow, the shallowest parts are blue.

This blogpost is one of a series written originally for our Insta-takeover of @PortalenIGLO, by the awesome night watch team Elina, Helene, Julie, and Sonja. Check out the twitter accounts of Elina and Sonja for updates on what they are doing when they are not at sea with us!

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