Written by Céline Heuzé
Hi reader! My name is Céline Heuzé (pronounced sort of ‘ozé’), and although I am French this is my first time in Grenoble. I come from Dieppe, on the beautiful Normandy coastline, with high chalk cliffs, very large tides, and powerful crashing waves during the strong winter storms… I guess that’s why I ended up as an oceanographer. I did my PhD in the UK at the University of East Anglia, and moved to Gothenburg in southwest Sweden two years ago to work with Anna Wåhlin.
I actually don’t study Antarctica. Well, I did during my PhD, but then I got more interested into the Arctic and have been looking more and more at it these last years. The reason why I am in Grenoble today is that in fact, it does not matter which region you look at; the same physics laws apply to both the Arctic and Antarctic. You just need to remember that you are in different hemisphere and whack a minus sign here and there. So I am using Elin’s and Anna’s experiments to understand the circulation under a Greenland floating glacier that I measured in 2015: Petermann Glacier, famous for its large calving events in 2010 and 2012. And also because I can act as a French-Swedish-English translator to Anna, while enjoying some nice food and weather!