Elin has been writing about her scientific adventures for some time now! Find all of her previous adventures below.
Previous Adventures

Elin in Antarctica (2021)
February-March 2021 I’ll be joining the German COSMUS expedition and cruise PS124 on Polarstern to the southern Weddell Sea. We will sail out from Port Stanley on the Falklands Islands – as soon as we are done with the Covid-19 quarantine!

Ninja goes South (2021)
Ninja goes South is Elin’s science communication project on her 2021 Antarctic cruise. Borrowing Petra Langbroek’s idea and lego figure, Elin & Ninja are reporting together on the weird and wonderful world of research cruising. Read it all here: Missing 171-172

Vår in Antarctica (2020/2021)
Vår Dundas, one of my current PhD-students got to join Malik Arctica and a team of scientists from the Norwegian Polar Institute on a cruise to Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The cruise is part of the NFR-funded project iMelt, where Elin and Vår are participating. Due to Corona – the team had to sail all…

#BergenWaveWatching is an ongoing project: Kjersti, Steffi, Elin and Mirjam discussed ways to better integrate the GEOF105 student cruise into the course. One suggestion was to ask the students to observe things throughout the whole duration of the course, and then have them relate their time series with what they observe when “at sea”. In this…

Nadine in Antarctica 2019
Nadine is reporting from an Antarctic cruise onboard the new Norwegian ice breaker, FF Kronprins Haakon. She writes about the scientific reasons for the cruise, the science of the area she’s going to, the history of the area, and, of course, life onboard! Read all her posts here.

Teaching Physical Oceanography in Fjords (GEOF337)
In spring 2019, Elin and her team went on a cruise to Masfjorden to teach students about fjord oceanography and introduce them to sea-going research for GEOF337. Read more about the student cruise here.
Read more Teaching Physical Oceanography in Fjords (GEOF337)

Teaching ocean and atmosphere dynamics (GEOF213)
In fall 2018, Elin has been teaching the GEOF213 class on dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean. To make it easier to relate to very theoretical content, Elin has added several tank experiments that students conducted in the 6-m long towing tank in GFI’s basement. Read more about them here.

Bjørnafjorden 2018 (English)
In addition to ocean currents around Antarctica, Elin and her team are also very curious about ocean currents closer to home (much like our valued science advisor, Sara, already suggested!). In winter and spring 2018, Elin is bringing her “fjord oceanography” students to Bjørnafjorden near Bergen, Norway, to study the flow through a very narrow…

Antarctica 2018 (English)
in didn’t go to Antarctica herself during field season 2017/2018, but she has friends everywhere, so thanks to Karen Assmann, Svein Østerhus, and some of the instruments Elin deployed in Antarctica the year before, we still have plenty of exciting stories to share! Read all posts tagged Antarctica 2018 to learn more about fieldwork in Antarctica…

Experiments@Coriolis 2017 (English)
In September and October 2017, Elin and her team were in Grenoble at the 13-m-diameter rotating Coriolis platform. There are quite a few blog posts from that time, which you can find marked with the Coriolis 2017 tag. For our Grenoble-experiments in a nutshell and the team in Grenoble, continue reading below. Our experiments…

Antarktis 2017 (Norsk og Svenska)
Den 24 Januari 2017 seglade den britiska isbrytaren James Clark Ross från hamnen i Punta Arenas, Chile söderut, mot Antarktis och Weddell havet. Elin skrev blogg berätta om livet ombord, om forskning och om den data de samlade in. Les mer her.

Antarktis 2017 barneskole (Norsk)
I 2017 dro Elin på tokt i Antarktis og skrev brev til barnene sine hjemme i Norge. Det er mye spennende som skjer på en båt midt i sørhavet og på isen! Les havforskninghistoriene hennes til barn her!

Antarktis 2016 (Norsk)
I 2016 seilte den koreanske isbryteren Araon fra havn i New Zealand mot sør—mot Antarktis og Amundsenhavet. Ombord var det forskere fra Korea, Sverige, USA, Frankrike – inkludert Elin, en oseanograf fra Universitetet i Bergen. Vil du og klassen din bli med på reisen hennes til sørhavet? Elin skrev en blogg om livet ombord, om forskningen de…

Antarktis 2016 (Svenska)
I 2016 seglade den koreanska isbrytaren Araon från hamnen i Nya Zealand söderut, mot Antarktis och Amundsenhavet. Ombord var det forskare från Korea, Sverige, USA, Frankrike – och så Elin, en oceanograf från Universitetet i Bergen. Vill du och din klass också följa med? Elin skrev blogg här på skolelabben om livet ombord, om hennes forskning och om…

Antarctica 2016 (English)
In 2016, Elin went on a research cruise to the Southern Ocean, onboard the Korean icebreaker Araon. From this cruise, she wrote a blog describing life onboard a research ship, including intercultural cooperations and exciting adventures in Antarctica. In addition to the blog, Elin and her team also prepared exercises and instructions for hands-on experiments than can be used…